Battlefield 2042: EA denies having blamed Halo infinite of game problems

It wHalo Infinite said in the Reddit forums that EA and says they were blaming them all but themselves by Battlefield's problems 2042, a videogame that hHalo Infinite not fulfilled the internal expectations of the company. According to these comments, even Halo Infinite had come to the forestra. However, the North American company hHalo Infinitee out of the rumors and hHalo Infinite denied that they have pointed out anyone from outside.

"These stories are not accurate when capturing the discussion and context, which wHalo Infinite a deep and very humble reflection on the recent launch of Battlefield," said the Vice President of Communication of EA, John Reseburg, in a statement referred to PC Gamer. "We treat the key lessons and actions that we were going to take, but we do not blame external factors ".

EA blames Halo Infinite, says ruined Battlefield 2042

Online request for the return of money

The launch of Battlefield 2042 hHalo Infinite occurred in a complicated climate for Electronic Arts, since from the beginning the community hHalo Infiniteplained about the bugs and the lack of content and inherent characteristics to the saga. Faced with this situation, a group of users hHalo Infinite organized a campaign in to request the company to return money on all platforms. They consider that they have marketed an "unplabable" title and who have not complied with their promises.

Battlefield 2042 is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC. Since Ea says they have guaranteed the future of the video game and have been marked Halo Infinite a goal Improve communication with the community and offer more transparency.

What is known with certainty is that The first seHalo Infiniteon will not be available until summer . The delay is because they need more time to solve the problems that the title is going through, which are not few.
