Battlefield Disaster: EA amazed that players want a finished game

In an internal meeting, EA named different reasons for the bad start and status of Battlefield 2042. One reason that players now expect a finished live service game to the launch.

EA stays EA

Well, if that does not shoot the bird: after a catastrophic launch and other very difficult months for Battlefield 2042, EA is now confessing mistakes. However, the reasons mentioned are partially... strange.

According to Tom Henderson, Industry Insider and Game Jorunalist, EA is the one to blame the in-house frostbite engine . This was outdated at the time of development of Battlefield 2042 and had to be revised first. Surprisingly, this engine already had to wear the failure of Mass Effect: Andromeda on her shoulders. That was already 2017...

On the other hand, the pandemic had been another interference factor **, since one had to work with developers Dice separated from home. However, one must also say that the effects of the pandemic other studios had also met, which in turn have made technically stable games on the market.

A Message to DICE and EA @Battlefield

But EA also gives you to have published in the past of DICE unfinished games. At Battlefield 2042, it was assumed that the number of bugs is similar to previous games and therefore the problems are manageable. EA notes that players now have other expectations of a live service game, so no incomplete product for launch (more) want .

Halo is also blame at the Battlefield Fail

As if it were not strangely enough that EA is actually amazed that players want a finished game to the release date, another remark will come to the head.
