LOL: This player shows that the best attack is a good defense with this definitive crucial

It is true that it is theoretically impossible to win a game of League of Legends without destroy the enemy link (unless the opposite team abandons). Throughout the history of the game, many players have distinguished themselves with backdoors unimaginable; on the other hand and without paying attention to what happens in its own link. Very often, this results in madness actions **, but most of the time are the players who do the backdoor who are the center of attention.

It is often going through high to those who return to defense in a hurry , desperately trying to buy the precious seconds necessary for their teammates to ensure victory. We no longer count the amount of repetitions in which a player infiltrates the enemy base to destroy the last enemy defenses, without see the defenders fighting in their own base . However, the video of the day shows otherwise, with an ADC that was initially busy with pushear before defending itself again in case of disaster and save the game .


a backdoor of those who are no longer

While defending the Toplane, Miss Fortune noticed that the Tristana and some of her classmates of her tried to infiltrate her base. Taking advantage of her buff of her, she she returned quickly to defend her link with the r-leuvia of bullets. The suspense increases immediately, since Kindred also used his r-responous r-spark to survive with his ADC. Fortunately for Miss Fortune, the latter was not long enough to save them, and she manages to kill her two opponents, while her nexus only had a few points of life .

It is clear that The result of this defense could have been very different . For example, if Tristana would have chosen to use the definitive **** of her in Miss Fortune, she could not only have interrupted the spell, but also won the few seconds that they were missing. Or she and Kindred could have decided to kill the pirate, who probably could not have resisted enough during the caste of her while the opponents were immortal thanks to the definitive enemy jungle.
